He changed the basic code and introduced a new user interface. Developer and senior XDA member Rafalete created this App by customizing the original WhatsApp application. And it was introduced in the market in 2012. It is a similar app working exactly like WhatsApp. What Users Said About Whatsapp Plus APK.Method to switch from WhatsApp to WhatsApp plus APK.How to Install Whatsapp Plus on your Android Phone?.Now, Allow unknown sources from the Android settings or Allow from this source option. Go to the download folder and search for the WA-Aero APK that you want to install. Once you have done, you can follow our procedure from below. Go to settings > chats > chat backup > Backup Green Button. If you want to migrate from the official Playstore version, then I suggest you take a backup before uninstalling it. How to Install WhatsApp Aero APK on Android? Forward limit extended – With the Aero app, you can send 250 forward messages instead of 5.Emoji Variant – Facebook, Emoji One v3 and Android Oreo.

I hope you get the story behind the WhatsApp Aero APK and what is all about. However, updates will be given to the end users based on the YoMods release since it is the mother of all of these. In other words, it is a re-mod edition of Fouad Mokdad’s version, and that too made with YoMods. This app particularly focused on the theming part, and the features are the same as FouadMods. It has been developed by Bozkurt Hazarr, a Turkish developer who is passionate about coding and the founder of FlexiMobile. WhatsApp Aero APK is a masterpiece in the aspects of Theming and Performance. 3 How to Install WhatsApp Aero APK on Android?.2 Download WhatsApp Aero APK Latest Version for Android.